Get the Paperback Version of Let Him Chase YOU by Lynn Gilliard

makehimchaseyouBe Prepared to Dog Ear the Heck Out of The Pages in this Dating & Relationships Book…

If you prefer to have a paperback version of Let Him Chase YOU by Lynn Gilliard, because you LOVE the feeling of having a hard copy book in your hand, turning those pages and folding them down in the corners when you read a line that sends bells off in your head, get it here for just $17.95. (It may also be available at at a discount, check here.)

Get your highlighter ready because this little dating guide will give you a number of LIGHT BULB moments that you’ll want to refer back to time and time again.

The paperback version of the book is small enough to fit right into your purse or bag. Keep it on your coffee table or desk and use it as your handbook — whenever you’re tempted to make a questionable decision about a guy, pick it up and flip to the chapter that addresses your issue.


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** Email loveletter – at – with your name and order number to receive a PDF copy of The Love Letter so that you can print it, fill it out and post it up on your mirror.

— Love Lynn

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